Inclusive Learning and Enrichment programs

Students are more likely to succeed in school and life if they are offered individualised support which builds on their strengths and nurtures areas requiring development.

CGGS is committed to practices that promote the development of a caring, learning community, where learning is focused on the needs of the learner. The student/teacher relationship is based on mutual respect, trust and understanding, and the value of cooperation and collaboration.

Students with diverse learning needs may include gifted and talented students, students with disabilities or specific learning difficulties, and students whose welfare or emotional wellbeing need particular support. Diverse learning is recognised and accommodated either inside or outside the classroom as required.

The Inclusive Learning and Enrichment Program is coordinated by the Head of Inclusive Learning and Enrichment with the assistance of the Inclusive Learning and Enrichment Support Team.

inspirED (Junior School)
Middle Years Study Skills
Negotiated studies (Year 10)
Senior study support (Year 11 and Year 12)
Students with disabilities
Extension Activities

inspirED (Junior School)

InspirED is Canberra Girls Grammar School’s diverse, research-driven and targeted suite of learning extension and support programs, specifically designed to recognise and nurture every student’s potential.

Included in inspirED are high potential learner programs, that provide support and learning enhancement for gifted students. These programs include mathematics, science, technology and engineering challenges, personalised extension programs tailored to the individual, and our enrichment activities, which include co-curricular offerings such as debating, chess, robotics and the Tournament of Minds.

We recognise that some students learn at a different level and pace, and that learning is never a one size fits all approach. CGGS offers a range of additional support programs for students, including small group reading interventions, targeted numeracy programs, personalised support programs, and a fine and gross motor development program.

More on inspirED

Middle Years Study Skills

Students with educational needs are identified and invited to join Integrated Studies. This course provides assistance in building general organisational and study skills, language and literacy skills and mathematical concepts. The small group setting enables the identification and development of specific learning goals for each student and targeted intervention in curriculum and assessment support including:

  • Improving general curricular knowledge
  • Task identification
  • Scaffolding and understanding rubrics

Students are also supported to reflect on their:

  • Executive functioning skills
  • Working memory
  • Flexible thinking
  • Self-regulation and attention spans
  • Self-monitoring
  • Task identification
  • Progress and completion of assessment

Negotiated studies (Year 10)

Students with educational needs are identified and invited to join Negotiated Learning. This course provides assistance in:

  • Executive functioning skills
  • Managing academic deadlines
  • Identifying elements of assessment
  • Developing and honing research skills
  • Understanding and applying rubrics
  • Teaching effective reflection strategies
  • Providing positive learning strategies for students

The small group setting enables the identification and development of specific learning goals for each student. The Negotiated Learning teacher also liaises with subject teachers to offer specific subject-related support. Negotiated Learning takes the place of an elective in Year 10.

Senior study support (Year 11 and Year 12)

Students with educational needs are identified and invited to join Senior Study Support. This program provides assistance in managing the academic requirements of Years 11 and 12. Senior Study Support is offered in an individual or small group setting to enable students to receive targeted support and guidance. This enables identification and development of specific learning goals for each student. Senior Study Support is available before school and during student’s free study periods.

Students with disabilities

Students with an identified disability have an Individual Learning Plan (ILP) developed in collaboration with an advisory teacher, parents, classroom teachers and the student herself. Generally, these students receive extensive long term support, with additional assistance from the Inclusive Learning and Enrichment team.

An ILP is a form of contract between the student, teachers and parents. It sets long term goals and short term objectives for the student and is realistic, achievable, measurable and age appropriate. The student is provided with opportunities to engage in learning in all curriculum areas.

In order to realise positive learning outcomes, it is essential that students:

  • are involved in the development of personal learning goals, as initiators of learning experiences
  • accept responsibility for a role in the learning process
  • work independently and cooperatively in a variety of settings
  • have access to an extensive range of information technologies; and
  • are stimulated and challenged within a supportive environment.

In addition to supporting students, the Inclusive Learning and Enrichment team assists teachers in meeting the expected outcomes of the student's ILP.

Extension Activities

Students are invited to participate in different internal, local, national and international academic competitions representing the School, such as:

  • World Scholar's Cup
  • Da Vinci Decathlon
  • Ethics Olympiad
  • Rostrum Public Speaking
  • Tournament of Minds