Scholarship and Bursary Program

Pivotal to Canberra Girls Grammar School’s 100-year legacy of educational excellence, connection and opportunity is our Scholarship and Bursary Program.

The CGGS community’s commitment to gender equity and inclusion is infused throughout our history and is profoundly connected to the ethos of the Community of the Sisters of the Church. This collective belief is at the core of our Program, which continues to evolve and improve over time. The focus remains to enable a broad range of students access to a life-changing CGGS education.

The Program has two goals, to recognise student dedication and excellence, and to provide a world-class education to those who may not otherwise have such opportunities.

There are two streams to the CGGS Scholarship and Bursary Program.

The Scholarship Stream

This option specifically acknowledges and rewards students who have demonstrated academic excellence in combination with high achievement in sport, music, artistic pursuits, or across multiple disciplines. This stream also provides opportunities for Indigenous students, with boarding as an offering for students in remote, regional and rural communities. Scholarship applicants can request to have their applications means-tested as part of the process.

This option requires an applicant to sit the Academic Assessment Services (AAS) test*.

Principal's Scholarship of Excellence
Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (various)
Indigenous Scholarship

Principal's Scholarship of Excellence

Possibly considered an ‘all-rounder’, the recipient of the Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence will be an outstanding applicant in multiple fields, demonstrating:

  • Consistent record of excellence across multiple disciplines and activities.
  • Outstanding academic ability (mostly A grades across all subject areas).
  • Evidence of an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to all pursuits.
  • Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.
  • Ability to articulately express academic, career, personal and/or service and leadership goals.
  • Eagerness to embrace the breadth of opportunities on offer at CGGS.
  • Willingness and ability to make a positive and significant contribution to the overall life of the School.
  • Potential and desire to lead, mentor and support peers at CGGS.
  • Evidence of having undertaken significant leadership and/or service roles in their school or community.
  • A collaborative attitude towards peers and teachers.
  • Active participation and achievement in school co-curricular programs.
  • Willingness and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.

Year of entry: Years 7–11

Remission: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.

Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (various)

There are four Gabriel Foundation Scholarships available:


A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Academic) has an exemplary work ethic, consistent application to all academic pursuits, consistently works towards and/or achieves at their academic potential and in all areas of School life, and acts as a role model to others through striving for academic excellence.

Year of entry: Years 5–11
: 25% of tuition fees from Years 5–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.


A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Arts) has an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to artistic pursuits, demonstrates excellence in The Arts, consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential in all areas of School life, and in particular, The Arts, and commits to give freely of their time to all creative/performing arts events and activities as required, as well as broader School events and activities.

Year of entry: Years 7–11
: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.


A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Music) has an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to musical pursuits, consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential in all areas of School life, and in particular, Music, and commits to give freely of their time to all Music Academy events and activities as well as broader School events and activities.

Year of entry: Years 7–11
: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.


A recipient of a Gabriel Foundation Scholarship (Sport) has an exemplary work ethic and consistent application to all sporting pursuits, consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential in all areas of School life, and in particular, Sport, and commits to give freely of their time to sporting events and activities, as well as broader School events and activities.

Year of entry: Years 7–11
: 25% of tuition fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the Scholar’s enrolment.

Indigenous Scholarship

A recipient of this award identifies as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, and:

  • Shows consistent application to academic pursuits.
  • Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.
  • Has a collaborative attitude towards peers and teachers.
  • Shows eagerness to embrace the breadth of opportunities on offer at CGGS.
  • Demonstrates potential and willingness to lead, mentor and support peers in the CGGS and wider
  • Has the ability to make a positive and significant contribution to the life of the School.
  • Shows a ready willingness to participate in a range of educational and School-related activities.
  • Provides evidence of having undertaken leadership and/or service roles in their school or broader community.
  • Demonstrates willingness and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.

Year of entry: Years 7–11

Remission: At least 25% of tuition and/or boarding fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.

The Bursary Stream

This option specifically enables students who require financial support, with boarding as an offering for students in remote, regional and rural communities.

This option requires a means-test via an independent external financial review conducted by the School’s professional partner, Edstart.

Gabriel Foundation Bursary
Archer Family Bursary

Gabriel Foundation Bursary

A recipient of this award meets the criteria for financial assistance, and:

  • Shows evidence of a strong work ethic and consistent application to School-related pursuits.
  • Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.
  • Has the ability to make a positive and significant contribution to the life of the School.
  • For boarders, has the ability and desire to make a positive and significant contribution to the Boarding House.
  • Shows a ready willingness to participate in a range of educational and School-related activities.
  • Demonstrates evidence or willingness to undertake service and/or leadership roles in their school or broader community.
  • Has a collaborative attitude towards peers and teachers.
  • Shows willingness to lead, mentor and support peers and the wider CGGS community.
  • Has a desire and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.

Year of entry: Years 7–11

Remission: Partial remission of tuition and/or boarding fees from Years 7–12, or for remainder of the scholar’s enrolment.

Archer Family Bursary

The Archer Family Bursary is an additional option in the Program for a Year 11 student, supporting the duration of their senior studies. The Bursary is named in honour of the Archer family, particularly
Mr Keith Archer, a valued member of the CGGS Board, Parents & Friends Association, and the Gabriel Foundation, and his daughter, Mrs Margaret Cornwell (Grammarian, 1951). Margaret continues to be a generous supporter of CGGS and is still actively engaged with the School as a member of the Grammarians Association, and as a valued donor. Keith’s son also attended CGGS during his early
years of education, as did four of his grandchildren and two of his great grandchildren.

A recipient of this award meets the criteria for financial assistance, and:

  • Embodies strong School spirit through their work, conduct and participation in CGGS life.
  • Demonstrates community spirit through service or leadership.
  • Shows compassion for others in their everyday interactions and deeds.
  • Demonstrates a strong work ethic and consistent application to studies.
  • Consistently works towards and/or achieves at their potential.
  • Shows willingness and ability to act as an ambassador for CGGS.
  • Is committed to completing their senior years of study at CGGS.

Year of entry: Year 11

Remission: 50% of tuition fees from Years 11–12.

The Gabriel Foundation

The Gabriel Foundation has made a CGGS education possible for many students since its inception, as it funds both the Scholarship and Bursary offerings at the School.

The Foundation’s annual support of the Program has been enabled by generations of CGGS parents and donors and further strengthens our School community by advancing diverse educational opportunities.

Key dates for 2025 Scholarship and Bursary Program
January 2024
Applications open.
Monday 4 March 2024
Applications close.
Saturday 16 March (9am sharp) 2024
Scholarship academic assessment testing.
March 2024
Scholarship music auditions.
April 2024
Unsuccessful applicants advised.
April 2024
Shortlisted for interview.
April to May 2024
Offers advised.

For a detailed overview of our Scholarships and Bursary Program please read our guidelines below.

Applications for the Scholarship and Bursary Program

Applications for 2025 Scholarships and Bursaries have now closed. You can submit an EOI for our 2026 application process using the form below.

For more information, contact our Enrolments team.

T: 02 6202 6420