Student News: Term 2 Week 4

In Term 2 Week 4 our students once again demonstrated their dedication, creativity, and trail-blazing spirit.

On Tuesday, we hosted our Senior School Athletics Carnival, a day bursting with vibrant energy and enthusiasm. Blessed with perfect weather, our students excelled in various track and field events, turning the carnival into a memorable highlight of the Term. From fun runs and fiercely contested races to the creative House outfits and chants, the day embodied the essence of camaraderie and healthy competition.

On Wednesday, Lydia (Year 6) was awarded joint first prize in the prestigious ANZAC Day essay competition organised by the RSL. Her insightful essay on Australian women's significant roles during the Second World War impressed the judges, earning her a medal, a plaque, and $250 towards her education. The award ceremony in the Junior School Library was a heartwarming event attended by Lydia's family and classmates.

This week, the CGGS Creative Arts and Technology Faculty celebrated UNESCO International Arts Education Week with a series of engaging lunchtime events. Art is integral to a holistic education, fostering creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. Our students participated in diverse activities, including anime drawing, dance workshops, sustainable jewellery making, and drama games. These events nurtured their artistic talents and promoted cultural appreciation and social inclusion, underscoring the importance of arts education in shaping a bright, sustainable future.