Student news: Term 1 Week 1 2024

Towards the end of 2023, the Student Representative Council (SRC) continued an annual initiative with Birthing Kit Foundation Australia (BKFA) by preparing birthing kits for women living in and facing challenging circumstances when they give birth. The SRC were able to fundraise for and pack 200 kits that were sent to various international organisations.

Jorja (Y6) will represent the ACT at the National Youth Sport Climbing Championships in April. Jorja will compete in Lead and Boulder.

At the Australian All-Schools Athletics Championships in December 2023, Olivia (Y8) finished second in the U14 800m and fourth in the U14 1500m, while Audrey (Y11) finished 10th in the U17 800m, ninth in the U17 1500m and eighth in the U17 3000m. Pinipa (Y8), Charlotte (Y10) and Lotte (Y12) also qualified for the championship but were unable to attend.

Congratulations to the CGGS Rowers, who finished with six gold medals at the Kings PLC Regatta recently.