P&F Association: President's Update

18 August

Dear parents, carers and friends of CGGS,

Due to the school holidays, the Parents & Friends (P&F) Association Committee did not meet in July. Instead, we met on 8 August, and two parents joined us online, which was wonderful.

The agenda of the meeting included:

  • A number of school policies are being reviewed and revised. More information to come.
  • Ms Terrie Jones updated us on some exciting activities that are already starting to be planned for the Centenary year (2026).
  • Ex-President, Janice Green, provided a detailed report on last year's Fete.
  • Planning for the Art on the Grounds event on 13 and 14 October at the Junior School is well underway. We will be calling for volunteers in the coming weeks.
  • Crazy Camel (the company that facilitates the printing of children's artwork on tea towels and other items) will be joining us this term. Assistance from a Junior School parent(s) will be welcomed.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday 12 September, 7–9pm, at the Senior School Boardroom, with an opportunity to join us online. Please email Elissa Singer (Engagement Officer, Community Relations and Events) if you would like to join the meeting online. We hope to see some of you there next month!

Kind regards,

Patty Chier
CGGS P&F President (2023)