Back in full swing!

Over the past week it has been a pleasure to participate in so many activities around the school. These included:

  • On Friday, a large group of Junior School students and teachers committed to walking to school from three locations in our local area. This was to support National Walk Safely to School Day, a day that promotes the benefits of walking, being outside in the fresh air, protecting the environment by walking over driving, and the head start that physical activity gives us for the day ahead. The children expressed their pleasure in this different mode of transportation, and many asked if they could do it every week. You may have seen the segment on WIN News.
  • On Saturday, the Melbourne Avenue campus hosted our new students for 2023 in a range of interviews with Senior School staff, preparing them for their new school and getting to know them. The opportunity for new friendships and new opportunities abounds with the wonderful young women we met on that day.
  • On Election Day, I visited the Junior School campus to support the P&F and their "Democracy Sausages" sale. They also provided delicious treats for voters as they exited the Hall after voting. Thank you to the Senior School students who assisted with the sales and to our wonderful P&F volunteers.
  • Various sports fixtures enjoyed the sunny day that Canberra provided us. It is great to see so many CGGS students back out in green, red and white, playing sports and keeping healthy.
  • On Wednesday 25 May I participated in the first round of interviews with Year 10 students as they began their planning for Year 11 studies. This initiative is part of the 10 Aspire Program in which we provide individualised counselling for every Year 10 student to support their transition into senior learning. These interviews fill me with joy and hope every year, and I am once again thrilled with the ambitions of our young women. I met an aspirant Prime Minister, a couple of aspiring diplomats, lawyers, a teacher and many young women keen to pursue leadership opportunities in their senior years. Their futures are so bright and filled with opportunity.
  • On Thursday I talked with our Pre-Prep students on their visit to the Senior School campus, where they utilised our purpose-built Science rooms to examine where germs come from. The lesson was both informative and entertaining, and the joy and wonder of these young students are truly heart-warming!

There have been so many extraordinary events and opportunities to mix and meet others this term already, notably the House Breakfasts, the Year 11 Semi-Formal in the Senior School, and our Judith Locke Parent Partnership talks on both campuses. It has been a pleasure to welcome our community back to our campuses in person. We really are back in full swing!

Ms Julie Jorritsma
Acting Principal


Walk Safely to School Day, the P&F serving democracy sausages on Election Day, Pre-Prep students using the Science rooms at the Senior School