CGGS Statement on the published WGEA Report, February 2024

As an independent girls' school, we are deeply committed to fostering an environment where our students are immersed in diverse representations of women across every aspect of our organisation. We understand the importance of providing our students with role models that reflect their own identities and aspirations, which is why we prioritise the visibility of women in leadership, teaching, administrative roles, and beyond.

Moreover, we firmly advocate for workplaces that recognise and accommodate familial responsibilities. We understand that many of our staff members may have caregiving commitments outside of work, and we believe it's essential to create an environment where a range of positions are accessible and supportive of their needs. By fostering a culture of flexibility, understanding, and inclusivity, we not only empower our employees to thrive in their careers but also contribute to the creation of a more equitable society at large.

The average total remuneration gender pay gap for CGGS is 3.9%, driven by a male positive pay gap in the casual work force of 5.9%. The exclusion of casual staff results in female positive gaps for both full-time (-0.5%) and part-time (-5.8%) employees respectively.

The pay gap within the casual staffing category is driven by sporting coaches. Staff under 20 receive compensation at a percentage of the full award wage as juniors. It is noteworthy that the school is happy to engage former students in coaching roles, given their familiarity with the students and routines, and many of these staff are under 20 years of age. Adjusting the remuneration for these junior coaches would effectively nullify the overall pay gap within the institution, bringing it to 0%.

We are pleased to note that in comparison with other organisations in our industry we compare very favourably, with our average total remuneration at 3.9% to industry comparison of 6.5%. The average base salary gap for CGGS is 1.8% compared to the industry average of 5.8%.

In our commitment to gender equity, we work to ensure equal opportunity across all employment areas, from hiring to professional development to promotion considerations. We strive to create a workplace where women have the same chances to excel and advance as their male counterparts.